A story of the daily lives and struggles of five young lions in the Black Rock region of Kenya’s Masai Mara reserve. Born in 2017, the lions were given names by the Masai people to suit their personalities: Olumina, the lame one, is the most sexually active but has difficulty walking. Olosiadu, the stay-behind, is cautious and often isolates himself. Lorkulup, the tag-along, has a permanent runny nose that hinders him from hunting with his brothers. Orpadan, the hunter, is always in the lead and first to their prey. Oloborr, the sister-killer, is the strongest male and the boss of the group
The intimate and endearing stories of lion, leopard and cheetah cubs living in the Masai Mara in Ken...
A BBC/Animal Planet co-production, the three-part series focuses on the landscape and wildlife of th...
‘The Lions Rule’ is the saga of three lion families linked together by a strange, charmed place call...
The saga of three lion families linked together by a strange, charmed place: a beautiful oasis on th...
The remarkable and often perilous story of the journey through life. It is a story that unites each ...
My first trip to Africa is a 5 week adventure through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. Ca...
Follow the lives of lions, cheetahs and leopards in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, a place described ...
The wild terrain of South Africa’s Timbavati reserve is the backdrop to this epic trilogy. Over a tw...
Lions are the world's most social cats and their family dramas rival anything seen in a TV soap. Thi...
Leopards are considered to be extremely shy big cats. Only a few animals can match the elegance of t...
From political intrigue to a complex social system and unexpected intelligence, Jonathan Scott explo...
Takes viewers into the center of five animal families - lions, jackals, cheetahs, hyenas and meerkat...
A zoo owner spirals out of control amid a cast of eccentric characters in this true murder-for-hire ...
India's wildcats have been symbols of strength & royalty since the ancient times. Despite the revere...
Journey to Zambia's Luangwa Valley, a landscape abundant with prey. In the spectacular wilderness, t...
The unprecedented story of the first man that was accepted by a pride of wild lions. The naturalist ...
Kiwi farm boy Craig Busch, an experienced self-taught "wild cat trainer", creates a haven for rare, ...
India is home to over a billion people with 1/5 of the world's population on only 2% of the world's ...
Follow the true stories of five of the world's most celebrated, yet endangered animals; penguins, ch...