Escape is an American anthology series that aired on the NBC network from February 11 to April 1, 1973. The show was a production of Jack Webb's Mark VII Limited for Universal Television. It aired on Sunday evenings at 10 p.m. Eastern, following the NBC Mystery Movie.
Colditz is a British television series co-produced by the BBC and Universal Studios and screened bet...
A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds...
This is a Tamil anthology series comprising five episodes. All five tales hark back to themes of lov...
An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn betwee...
The Clock is a 30-minute American anthology television series based upon the American Broadcasting C...
Anthology of contemporary one-off dramas, adapted from the unique and mystical world of Maori supern...
A five-episode anthology that serves as a continuation of the stories of Pick and Rome (Secret Love:...
A documentary series that gives a historical account of the events of World War II, from its roots i...
Deadline is a 1959-1961 American television drama series that re-enacted famous newspaper stories fr...
Based on an autobiographical novel by German World War II photographer Lothar-Guenther Buchheim, Das...
A comedy that started in 1991 as a pilot, Murder Most Horrid stars Dawn French as various characters...
The comic adventures of a group of misfits who form an extremely bad concert party touring the hot a...
Island at War is a British television series that tells the story of the German Occupation of the Ch...
Twisted Tales is a dark and stylish comedy drama series. With intense scripts written by a mix of es...
Ghost Story is an American television anthology series that aired for one season on NBC from 1972 to...
Stories about strange, annoying and even scary moments in our lives: domestic violence, the madness ...
A blind French girl and a young German soldier's paths collide during WWII.
The Gallant Men is a 1962–1963 ABC television series which depicted an infantry company of American ...
The Dick Powell Show is an American anthology series that ran on NBC from 1961- 1963, primarily spon...