The short-lived variety show, hosted by Gene Di Novi on piano and vocalist Jodie Drake, offered a captivating blend of music and conversation in its half-hour format. Renowned musicians like Clark Terry, Joe Venuti, Gene Lees, and Phyllis Marshall graced the show as guests, showcasing the best in jazz. The rhythm section boasted talents like Michel Donato on bass and Jerry Fuller on drums, enriching the performances. Produced in Toronto by Bob Gibbons, the series highlighted exceptional musical collaborations and remains a testament to the era's jazz brilliance.
A Canadian version of the popular British TV series hosted by Valerie Pringle.
Ask the participants, “What kind of person is she or he?” Depending on what kind of relationship you...
A Japanese late night variety show that covered sexy idol music groups, gravure models, shiatsu, nak...
Each week, in front of a fired-up audience, personalities from all areas come on Ti-Mé’s show for an...
Graffiti Rock was a hip-hop based television program, originally screened June 29, 1984. Intended as...
In a society that puts the spotlight on the smart guys only, there are people who do not have a grai...
Donny & Marie is an American variety show which aired on ABC from January 1976 to January 1979. The ...
Four contributors—from the West, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic—compete against each other and use...
"Lee Mujin Service" is a high-quality live content in which MZ generation's representative singer-so...
The Ed Sullivan Show is an American TV variety show that originally ran on CBS from Sunday June 20, ...
On the 12th of every month we are delivered with a talk show filled with games, laughs, stories and ...
Join comedians Marie Faustin, Zack Fox, Sandy Honig and rapper Fat Tony every night, live from VICE'...