Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.
When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his ...
At the beginning of 1900's, Sakura Shinguji received the mission of defending imperial capital Tokyo...
Tense thriller meets family drama as an undercover investigator known as “The Savant” balances life ...
Pareena's life had always been beautifully perfect until the demise of her father, who was like her ...
As Jimmy Keene begins a 10-year prison sentence, he gets an incredible offer: If he can elicit a con...
Fresh out of judicial training school, Shinsuke Yabashi becomes a rookie lawyer at the Funamoto Law ...
A successful New York entrepreneur lives a double life as the head of a drug empire that serves only...
Summer 1996. While chasing after a bicycle thief, Yang Xi hurts her leg and therefore can’t particip...
People's lives have changed because of VR and AR, and an competitive sport has born from these techn...
The story takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabit...
Shun is a third generation descendant of a Japanese orphan left behind in China during World War II....
Welcome to the war between the FBI and organized crime. One side enforces the law as the other break...
Anne, the honor student princess, and Grea, a princess born from a dragon and a human are students a...
Spanning 20 years, from 1990 to 2010, the series tells of three entrepreneurs who founded a company ...
Walter White, a New Mexico chemistry teacher, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given a prognos...
The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as...
The story of an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct where some of the cops aren't above breaking ...
Quick-witted high school student Lin Yang Fei, seasoned female gamer He Ying Yue, and the burly man ...