A musically talented teenager returns to her native Buenos Aires with her father, Herman, after livi...
In the dark megalopolis of Méridiana, the silhouette of a mysterious character named Cybersix emerge...
This documentary series reveals the origin of Quino's iconic cartoon and his sources of inspiration....
Best friends Joel Dommett and Nish Kumar travel to locations across the globe to immerse themselves ...
Los únicos is an Argentine superhero live-action television series aired by El Trece in the prime ti...
Follows the life and misadeventures of the eccentric fashion designer Santiago Artemis.
Miguel "The Tiger" Verón, a union leader from meat sector, has to risk everything against his employ...
Cecília is in love with Eduardo, a millionaire who doesn't care about their relationship. Ready for ...
Few countries in South America can boast to have such contrast and variety as Argentina. Diverse hab...
This gritty dramatization of the life of Carlos Tevez shows his rise to soccer stardom amid the harr...
A scientist dies in mysterious circumstances while performing an investigation into a tannery in Cor...
Two men go backpacking to Cuba, the country full of their unique charms. For two weeks, they enjoy C...