"The Conspiracy", a documentary series directed by António-Pedro Vasconcelos, is the result of a meticulous investigation that includes exclusive testimonies from protagonists who managed to achieve in less than 24 hours, something that many others had not achieved in 48 years. From the secret meetings to the key characters, we are shown the extraordinary conspiratorial process that began in the summer of 1973 and culminated in the early hours of April 25, 1974, with the overthrow of the Estado Novo and the conquest of freedom. The rest, as they say, is history.
All the emotion, drama and suspense of America's most memorable murder trials are captured. Produced...
Portrayal of the horrifying cases that highlight the boundaries between gentrified Southern dynastie...
For five years, from 1975 to 1980, the Yorkshire Ripper murders cast a dark shadow over the lives of...
The Mokhtar Narrative is an Epic/History television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on t...
In conversation with... Japan expert Robert Campbell sits down with individuals from all walks of li...
A four-episode documentary series showing the seven-year history of MAMAMOO, one of South Korea's mo...
200 years after the Greek Revolution, this documentary revisits the key moments that led a nation to...
These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable. Based on true events, A Haunting dr...
Gripping true stories of investigators entering the digital world to solve a brutal murder. In each ...
An element of truth | Science and engineering videos Veritasium is a channel of science and enginee...
The Power of Myth is a television series originally broadcast on PBS in 1988 as Joseph Campbell and ...
Flick Flack was a Canadian television series broadcast by Global Television Network in 1974. The ser...
Social Media Influencers seem to have it all — money, celebrity, power. But in these shocking true c...
A sun-soaked true crime series that sees Captain Lee search for answers to some of the most remarkab...
Craig Charles, the BBC 6 Music Radio DJ, star of Red Dwarf and Coronation Street, hosts the show alo...
The assassinations of Nazis, terrorists and Iranian nuclear scientists have given the Mossad a fears...