Adapted from a popular online novel originally published between 2007 and 2008, the animation tells the tale of Zheng Shaopeng, a university student who finds himself transported back in time to ancient China after a book falls on his head. Thrust into the body of a poor scholar named Yang Lin, Zheng navigates a turbulent era marked by internal conflict and external threats. Through his wisdom and ingenuity, Yang rises through the ranks of the fictional Danzhu Dynasty, tackling corruption, fending off enemies, and ushering in an era of technological advancement and enlightenment.
10,000 years ago in the world of Luofu, the banished immortal was born and the evil emperor was resu...
IMMORTALITY Fang Han, a humble family slave, always held the belief that "I would rather be a beggar...
Thousands of years ago, there was a beautiful planet amongst the stars where the deities lived. Amon...
Hua Ni, a physics expert, time-travels to Peacock City and becomes the holy envoy of the Peacock Sec...
A young 17th-century witch time travels to the future to save the man she loves, but first must adju...
Odyssey 5 is a Canadian science fiction series that first ran in 2002 on Showtime in the United Stat...
A story about two young demons who are always slacking off at work, a place that happens to be an or...
It's the 30th century and time travel is illegal. To help monitor and police time crimes, the Time P...
Shen Qiao is thrown headfirst into a world of betrayal and deception, contrasting with his once-stro...
Six part BBC adaptation of the novel for children by Philippa Pearce. Tom Long is staying at his Au...
A great warrior is displaced to the distant future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. The world ...
Environmental degradation has led to natural catastrophes and the original world order has fallen in...
Two spaceships, one manned by benevolent Maximals, the other by evil Predacons, crash-land on a pre-...
A truly amazing, fantastical, science fiction, funny and odd, and sometimes scary, sad and endearing...
It is the year 2037, the world is dying from a virus that has rendered mankind infertile. Not a sing...
The Plough (Big Dipper) Department is a special investigation institution that works for the emperor...
Ye Jiayao finds herself back in time in the body of Ye Jinxuan. After many twists, she thought that ...