"La Course destination monde" is a Canadian reality television series, which aired on Télévision de Radio-Canada from 1988 to 1999. The series was a filmmaking competition which sent young, emerging filmmakers from Quebec around the world to make short films about their destinations, with prizes awarded at the conclusion of each season to the best films coming out of the competition. The show premiered in 1988 as "La Course des Amériques", sending filmmakers to destinations in North and South America. The second season, "La Course Amérique-Afrique", continued to highlight destinations in the Americas as well as opening to destinations in Africa, while the third season, "La Course Europe-Asie", centred on destinations in Europe and Asia. From the fourth season onward, the show was titled "La Course destination monde", and permitted filmmakers to travel to anywhere in the world.
Indonesia's Next Top Model (INTM) is an Indonesian reality television series based on Tyra Banks' Am...
A look at everything Doctor Who, with exclusive behind-the-scenes clips, interviews with the program...
The Games is a British reality television series that ran on Channel 4 for four series, in which 10 ...
A group of "Beauties" and a group of "Geeks" are paired up to compete as couples for a shared $250,0...
The Biggest Loser features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percenta...
Hosted Pierre-Yves Lord, the music competition is held to find the best Francophone rapper in Quebec...
In every high-style-meets-high-stakes episode, four competitors face off in dramatically themed chal...
Aspiring models compete for a chance to break into the business with a panel of judges critiquing th...
A single bachelor dates multiple women over several weeks, narrowing them down to hopefully find his...
Three women go to an exotic island to find love among 16 guys. One half are self-proclaimed FBOYs wh...
Fern Britton presents this revival of the fondly remembered daytime watercolour painting competition...
The MBC Plus X Genie Music Awards is a major music awards show that is held annually in South Korea ...
Yo Momma is a American reality television game show based upon the black urban culture of insulting ...
Teams of amateur robot fighting enthusiasts battle it out over a series of rounds in a huge purpose-...
French version of the reality competition show in which chefs compete against each other in culinary...
You think you know Kong? Think again. Explore the wonders of Skull Island with over 30 interviews co...
It's the "Nailed It!" holiday special you've been waiting for, with missing ingredients, impossible ...