Dolly is a television variety show that ran on ABC during the 1987-1988 season featuring Dolly Parto...
Absolutely is a popular UK television comedy sketch show shown on Channel 4 between 1989 and 1993. ...
Blue Water High is an Australian television drama series, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting C...
The Armando Iannucci Shows is a series of eight programmes focused on specific themes relating to hu...
A sketch about the lives of heroes of various interests and statuses — a crazy eco-activist, a resou...
The Roller Girls is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from April 24, 1978 to May 10, 1978.
A former rugby star, whose career was ruined by a drug scandal, returns after three years as a coach...
Phyl and Mikhy is a short-lived comedy that aired on CBS from May 6, 1980 to June 30, 1980. The seri...
The Carol Burnett Show is an American variety/sketch comedy television show starring Carol Burnett, ...
There is a year left until the World Cup. After another loss to the national team, the fans decide t...
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The ...
Dave Chappelle's singular point of view is unleashed through a combination of laidback stand-up and ...
Little Miss Jocelyn is a British TV sketch comedy written by and starring Jocelyn Jee Esien. The sho...
Vic Reeves Big Night Out is a British cult comedy stage show and later TV series which ran on Channe...
Aoi prefers indoor hobbies and is afraid of heights, but her childhood friend Hinata loves to show o...
Bo' Selecta! is a British sketch show written and performed by Leigh Francis, which lampoons popular...
A sketch comedy series starring and hosted by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. The pair introduce most ...