The events take place in a historical context, in the 11th century, where the leader of the Assassin...
The events of the series revolve around the steadfastness of the people of the city of (Haditha), wh...
Araby seeks to escape from a bitter past, but its shadow casts over him from time to time, so he fin...
The owner of a car repair shop faces many obstacles in his life and is exposed to strange situations...
When his daughter is abducted, Karam thinks a businessman, affected by a decision he made, is behind...
The events of the series deal in a romantic context with the story of a girl in her thirties, who fa...
After the recent incident that occurred to Watan, he feels guilty and decides to live normally, whil...
A comedy drama that follows the lives of three housewives trying to find a solution to their problem...
Within the framework of social drama, the events of the series revolve around a grandfather and his ...