A medical mystery thriller that traces the truth of the incident of a famous plastic surgeon, who ha...
Set in backdrops of Seoul’s most popular tourist spots including Han River and Bukchon, it is a stor...
"THE OUTING" is a series that tells a story of people who meet at parties through the narrative of t...
Lu Fenfen, an ordinary girl from a humble background, defies the odds to carve out a successful care...
In November 1937, Shanghai fell into the hands of the Japanese army led by Wei Da Hong and Lin Qiu Y...
New entrepreneur Qiao Mu Sheng reunites with Su Nian, a high school classmate whom he has not seen f...
A drama that follows the lives of a group of college students who are trying to figure themselves ou...
Zhu Yiran, who inherits the traditional craft of Suzhou fan-making from her grandfather, crosses pat...
In 2020, Sheng Shi and Gu Lanshan's marriage, built on deceit and manipulation, began to crumble. Ov...
Zhong Li Xue, from the Zhongli Medical Center, was influenced by her father from a young age to hold...
Hayley, a teenager who works at a video store in the 90s, needs help learning how to be a good lesbi...
Everyone thought that fate played an unbelievable joke - the foul-mouthed woman from the village who...
Three problem children - Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasukabe - suddenly receive an invita...
With the help of her assistant Iggy, Victoria Frankenstein experiments with the line between life an...
After getting drugged one night, Ning Xi sleeps with an unknown man, thinking it's her boyfriend, Su...
Tang Bu Yan, the eccentric head of the Tang family is looking for the foretold "destined person", sa...