The drama series, directed by Ilmar Raag, tells the story of young conscripts who suddenly find themselves in a completely new environment. Alongside the hardships of a new life, military service gives young people a chance to see the world from a fresh perspective and make bold decisions. Interestingly, it is this kind of 'closed' system that often offers people the freedom to take on new challenges.
The world of tomorrow is an arid wasteland. Humans must live in domed cities to escape the threat of...
At Seishou Academy, girls don’t just wield guns— they ARE guns! In a school where every girl is a le...
Gao Liang and Gu Yi Ye are good friends and rivals since they joined the army. They fall in love wit...
Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around ...
A series that explains the history and technology of weapons at war.
In a quest for world domination, the Nazis built some of the biggest and deadliest pieces of militar...
These unorthodox military innovations were not developed by chance, each was constructed to solve a ...
Fourteen celebrity contestants are put to test by trying to survive Finnish Special Forces training.
Selection for the SAS is one of the world's toughest job interviews and physical fitness is only the...
American Grit contestants will be mentored by "The Cadre," made up of military members who, along wi...
HMS Queen Elizabeth is the largest and most advanced warship ever constructed in Britain. As she emb...
The training programme of one of World War Two's most covert organisations, the Special Operations E...
This is a unique, mind-blowing series of 52 individual war documentaries. Each volume provides an or...
I Love the '80s is a decade nostalgia television program that was produced by VH1, based on the BBC ...
Han Qi Lu, a young master, always keeps his distance from the opposite sex because he has a "strange...