Dinner for Five is a television program in which actor/filmmaker Jon Favreau and a revolving guest l...
Jimmy Kimmel Live! is an American late-night talk show, created and hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and broad...
Dawn French interviews more than thirty of her favourite male comedians.
Professional darts players and comedians team up for a knockout tournament.
Two Quebec personalities candidly discuss the “firsts” that have marked their professional lives and...
A unique all-access pass to your favourite Quebec stars in a friendly, timely and entertaining forma...
In conversation with... Japan expert Robert Campbell sits down with individuals from all walks of li...
Five celebrities meet at a restaurant for a fancy meal. The catch is they have to play games between...
Take everything you know about a talk show and throw it out the window. Forget decorum, affability a...
Film/TV Entertainment TV Talk Show Featuring Celebrity Guest Interviews.
Audiovisual productions from Espírito Santo, Brazil, followed by interview with the filmmaker.
Annie-Soleil Proteau and Patrick Langlois spend an hour with a beloved and well-known figure to find...
El Hormiguero is a Spanish television program with a live audience focusing on comedy, science, and ...