Rockface is a British television drama series which was broadcast on BBC One from 2002 to 2003. It ran for two series: the first six episodes were broadcast from 13 March to 17 April 2002 on Wednesday nights; the second series of eight episodes ran from 25 May to 27 July 2003 on Sunday nights. The series is set in Glenntannoch, a fictitious town in the Scottish Highlands, and centres around a mountain rescue team led by Dr Gordon Urquhart. The major rescues and incidents in the series were based on real life rescues conducted by the Lochaber Mountain Rescue service.
Waterloo Road is a UK television drama series the first broadcast was in the United Kingdom on BBC O...
Clare, a neurotic American, moves to Glasgow and starts a book group to meet new, interesting people...
High Times is a Scottish comedy drama on STV, based around the lives of two flatmates and their neig...
Timothy Spall and his wife Shane are back on board their beloved barge the Princess Matilda as they ...
Taggart is a Scottish detective television programme.The series revolves around a group of detective...
In an exhilarating mix of aviation adventure and historical detective work, presenter James Crawford...
Christopher Timothy and Peter Davison get behind the wheel of the 1936-designed Morgan 4/4 and set o...
Andrew Marr discovers why the Scotland he grew up in has changed so much politically, and whether, a...
Two-part series with intimate interviews with Billy Connolly, providing unique insight into the earl...
Join Dougie Vipond and Ellie Harrison live on Lewis on the longest day of the year.
Archie MacDonald, a young restaurateur is called back to his childhood home of Glenbogle where he is...
Detective series set in and around Edinburgh, Scotland. Inspector John Rebus, whose methods earn him...
Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audien...
Mockumentary comedy series following the life of scottish police officers from different areas of th...
Welcome to Britain's biggest beat. Covering 12,000 square miles of loch, glens, islands and mountain...
Life Support is a medical drama series that aired on BBC Scotland. Aisling O'Sullivan starred as Dr....
On Mt Hutt, the stakes are as high as the altitude for the ski patrollers, medical teams and road re...