"Subway Spirit" introduces viewers to the enigmatic world where the living and the dead intertwine, through the compelling story of a young girl named Amy. Portrayed by a talented and captivating actress, Amy becomes the focal point of the series, navigating the ethereal complexities that unfold after a transformative event in a subway. This supernatural drama, a brainchild of the visionary Ryan Martin N , promises to be a soul-stirring exploration of life, death, and the mysterious connections that bind them.
As her 16th birthday approaches, a not-so-average teen rediscovers the fiery powers she's long suppr...
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house ...
A group of five high schoolers embark on a shadowy and twisted journey to investigate the tragic pas...
Black Hole High is a Canadian science fiction television program which first aired in North America ...
The story starts in the small Province of Chiang Mai where Koom Sai Karm is located. Euarngjun is a ...
Things are getting weird in Riverdale, home of all-American boy and high school newspaper reporter, ...
The body of Laura Palmer is washed up on a beach near the small Washington state town of Twin Peaks....
Teenage weirdness investigator Marshall Teller adventures through his new small-town home with his f...
Atlantis survivor Mark Harris breathes underwater, withstands extreme depth pressures and wields sup...
Rey Mysterio vs. The Darkness tells the story of Oscar, a wrestling fan, who will team up with his i...
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join...
Jordán and Cornelia are two young kids who, in the dead of night, are trying to escape the angry mob...
University lecturer Robert Bridge becomes involved in a series of supernatural events surrounding me...
The Zack Files is a science fiction television program that revolves around a young boy, played by R...
Seriously Weird is a TV show that played on YTV in Canada. In the UK it was shown on ITV, and in Aus...
Aziz Ahmed wins his ancestral home after a 32-year-long court battle, but upon moving, him and his f...
Father Vergara—an exorcist, boxer and ex-convict—lives in a remote village in Spain. Hoping to be lo...
A group of ghost hunters use science and metaphysics combined to find proof of the paranormal while ...