In this festive two-night special, Gordon Ramsay hosts nine talented young chefs competing in a holiday-themed culinary showdown. The contestants will whip up dishes inspired by Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Lunar New Year, and other seasonal celebrations. Judges Gordon Ramsay, Tilly Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez, and Daphne Oz will determine the champion, who will receive a $25,000 grand prize, a premium Viking Kitchen package, and a unique MasterChef snow globe trophy. This season, every junior chef will depart with a special kitchen-related gift, and the second-place finisher will be awarded their own Viking Kitchen package.
Survival of the Richest is an American reality television show with the WB Television Network that f...
Canada's Next Top Model is a Canadian reality show in which female contestants compete for the title...
Viki and Köpi travel around European cities and try to find out who manages to create a better trip ...
For all those who have struggled to lose weight and failed: Meet George Stella, the low-carb chef. O...
A first-of-its-kind global talent competition featuring acts from every genre imaginable, from every...
Dance talent show which sees dancers of any age and dance style compete to win £50,000 and a chance ...
Well-known faces don their aprons in this charity special. Who has got what it takes to go all the w...
Dancing with the Stars is a dance competition show airing on MBC TV in South Korea. The show is base...
Sophie Dahl cooks up delicious recipes and reminisces about some of her own food memories.
Hell's Kitchen Australia is an Australian cooking reality competition television series which puts a...
Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares is a television programme featuring British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay...
A sweet and deadly dessert war begins! From novices to veterans, 10 renowned dessert chefs with dive...
Skilled cake artists create mouthwatering replicas of handbags, sewing machines and more in a mind-b...