The story begins with the ambiguous relationship between friends Viola and Luma, who seem predestined to literally enter each other's lives. Born on the same day, in very different situations, they meet years later, united by coincidences that go beyond their birthday. From humble origins, Viola moves with her boyfriend Mavi to Angra dos Reis, where Luma lives a luxurious life and dates Rudá, who ends up meeting Viola by chance. Thus begins the duo's journey, which goes from a passion for recipes to an obsession with the same man, from the immediate connection to the point of starting to live their friend’s reality, 10 years later. A journey divided between complicity and rivalry, which includes them in a love quadrangle and is impacted by a series of circumstances, twists and surprises, such as the secret surrounding a murder.
Rote Rosen is a German telenovela produced by Studio Hamburg Serienwerft Lüneburg and broadcast by D...
A youth named Diego (David Chocarro) was released from prison, 20 years after being incarcerated. He...
Livia and Felipe are in a forbidden love story doomed to end tragically. A century later, they both ...
Five half-siblings – Venus, Andromeda, Jupiter, Electra, and Plutao – share the same father, Pedro. ...
El man es Germán is a Colombian comedy drama television series as a spin-off of the soap opera Las ...
Amas de Casa Desesperadas is one of the Latin-tailored versions of Desperate Housewives, the Emmy an...
El amor no tiene precio is an American telenovela. It aired in 2005 until the series finale in 2006.
The series revolves around the life of Camilo and Juancho, two friends who work in the maestro Guzmá...
In the swing of the 70s, two women fight for the love of the same man without knowing their fates we...