The show is centered around a fictional 'relearning project for adults,' aimed at creating an app for adults who want to update their knowledge. The members discuss what kind of content should be included in the app and how the current textbooks differ in content from the past.
Each session covers English expressions for a variety of situations and occasions. To develop Englis...
Two charismatic people from completely different fields who usually have no contact with each other ...
Lee Chang Sub (of BTOB) reviews various university departments, experiencing a day in the life of a ...
Our new TV program helps you learn about Japan and the Japanese language through simple and easy Jap...
And thus begins the most revolutionary biology course in history. Come and learn about covalent, ion...
Morning meeting with a lively story with Captain Koji!
Nature is given a voice to raise awareness that people need nature in order to survive.
A moving story about the residents of correctional facility, rejected by parents and environment. Go...
Rei Kagami (Ryosuke Yamada) is a billionaire and the CEO of the leading conglomerate company Kagami ...
Award-winning technology and internet safety video series for families, schools and organizations to...
Young teacher Alfie Wickers is "the worst teacher ever to grace the British education system" – at A...