World renowned musician and orchestra conductor, Noah Gamliel, abandons fame and fortune to return h...
East Side follows Momi, an ex-Secret Service agent-turned-fixer who plays by his own rules as he bro...
In an alternate reality of present day Israel, a Haredi wheeler-dealer named Broide makes his living...
Dark, gripping and morally complex, Your Honor tells the story of Micah Alkoby, a respected judge wh...
Based on the best-selling novel by the same name, "Asylum City" is set in the underworld of refugees...
28-year-old Motti works as a private home tutor, visiting the homes of a lively host of struggling s...
Egor lives in a small seaside town and is graduating from high school this spring. He cannot stand t...
Marcel Ben David is a former police officer that joins PMTA (initials in Hebrew for: Tel Aviv Distri...
The black comedy starts with the death of Avishai Sar-Shalom, a renowned economist and leading Nobel...
Israeli satire show investigating the historical, social and political heritage of the jewish people...
Four friends sell their start-up company for 217,000,000$ and move in together into a mansion. The o...
Two theater writers are forced to work together just when they're going through a breakup in their r...
The comedy story of five eccentric elderly men living in Israel and talk about daily issues.
A hilarious family sitcom that follows the lives of a perfectly normal suburban family living in the...
The story of a young woman who goes to present-day Israel/Palestine determined to find out about her...
The series, loosely based on the true story of the assassination in Dubai of a senior Hamas official...