After the mysterious disappearance of his father, Joventino, the cowboy José Leôncio becomes a wealt...
Pedro, unhappy in his marriage of convenience, falls in love with Vera during a business trip. After...
Vivir a Destiempo is a Mexican telenovela produced by Fides Velasco and Jacky Castro for Azteca. It ...
Por tu amor is a Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa in 1999, starring Gabriela Spanic, Saúl Lis...
Y los declaro marido y mujer was a Venezuelan telenovela produced and broadcast by RCTV between 2006...
Corazón indomable is a Mexican telenovela produced by Nathalie Lartilleux for Televisa. It is a rema...
El man es Germán is a Colombian comedy drama television series as a spin-off of the soap opera Las ...
Rote Rosen is a German telenovela produced by Studio Hamburg Serienwerft Lüneburg and broadcast by D...
This modern fairy tale tells the story of a homeless girl who dreams of helping out her family and f...