A four-part documentary series about the Norwegian musical comedy trio Prima Vera. Featuring vintage...
Soul music has conquered the world in the last 50 years - growing from the raw, electric rhythms of ...
Follow the feud between global poster Swift and music industry exec Braun, looking at the $300M disp...
Before Barenaked Ladies, Broken Social Scene and Rush rose from Toronto's music scene, there was Rom...
Health documentary series with anatomist Dr Alice Roberts
A four-part documentary on rock band Led Zeppelin.
Three-part documentary series that explores the history and use of music in television.
Hila Noorzai reflects on their success with artists and producers of the most successful Eurodance a...
Now Hear This is a primetime PBS miniseries now filming its 5th season that brings the greatest musi...
Thalia takes audiences on a musical journey, uncovering the classics that inspired generations of ar...
Featuring original interviews with America’s punk pioneers and the U.K.’s most notorious bands, alon...
Offers a reappraisal of "yacht rock", a critically neglected era of music popularized by a boom in F...