Hawaii Five-O is an American police procedural drama series produced by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. Set in Hawaii, the show originally aired for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, and continues in reruns. Jack Lord portrayed Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the head of a special state police task force which was based on an actual unit that existed under martial law in the 1940s. The theme music composed by Morton Stevens became especially popular. Many episodes would end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!", sometimes specifying a charge such as "murder one".
Hawaii is a United States television series produced and distributed by NBC Universal Television for...
Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica...
Fun-loving San Francisco Police Department investigator Nash Bridges is part of the elite Special In...
After his handler is killed, police dog Rex teams up with recently-divorced inspector Richard Moser ...
Sergeant Thomas Jefferson Hooker is a tough-as-nails veteran police officer with the LCPD who turns ...
In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi ...
Like his legendary namesake, Kwai Chang Caine is a warrior monk, operating a Shaolin temple in North...
A private investigator who works when he wants, lives in a beachfront estate in Hawaii, drives a pos...
Naoto detective Jiban fights for justice against Bioron and his evil plans to conquer the world.
In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the...
Stingers brings to light the life and work of an undercover police unit located in Melbourne. This d...
Martial Law is an American/Canadian crime drama that aired on CBS from 1998 to 2000, and was created...
Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika a...
Joe Forrester is an American Crime/Drama TV series, starring Lloyd Bridges.
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the ...
The District is a television police drama which aired on CBS from October 7, 2000 to May 1, 2004. Th...
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is an American-Canadian children’s action & adventure ...