The story revolves around Vinh, the top performing student and Thu Khoa, the class monitor who is at the bottom of the class.
An anthology style series that explores love in three separate stories - a couple renegotiating a re...
High-strung Chiga finds himself questioning the results when his judo team partner, Kokusai, is elec...
In this coming- of-age series, five friends are reunited after six years without seeing each other. ...
Told through the screens of four young women. The series follows Jo, a hopeful romantic, and Debika,...
Hee Su's world revolves around Chan Young, his best friend and secret crush. He doesn't mind cheerin...
Jin Xiaobao, the son of the wealthiest man along the Jiangnan region, falls in love with icy, white-...
Matteo Lane and Nick Smith sit down and discuss a variety of topics in a comedy video series with 15...
At first glance, high schoolers Xiang Hao Ting and Yu Xi Gu appear to be polar opposites: While Xian...
Noah's Arc is an American cable television dramedy. The series, which predominantly features gay bla...
When hunger and loneliness are the same as home. Because eating alone, it's a big deal. The operatio...
Wade and Jose Manuel, two people who magically meet although they are living in different periods - ...
The popular web novelist Yeon Seok has one big secret. He has been living for 300 years in order to ...
In a dystopian Brazil where the Amazonian Forest was turned into an industrial park, a secret societ...
The love story between actor Kang Seo-joon, who deviates from the traditional route, and chef Han Ji...
All Shuichi ever dreamed about was following in the footsteps of his pop idol, Ryuichi Sakuma and th...
Will Truman and Grace Adler are best friends living in New York, and when Grace's engagement falls a...
Set in the world of fashion and PR, immature fun-loving mother Edina Monsoon and her best friend Pat...
Mon's life as a spirit-seeing interior decorator is full of headaches. On good days, he helps settle...