A much cherished annual tradition since 1972, the show includes special musical performances, report...
Twenty-seven trainees compete for coveted idol positions on GMMTV's roster of artists. Among the co...
The program premiered first on Univisión on April 7 and in Mexico it starts this April 14 at 9:00 p....
Six energetic sisters struggle to complete the quest and get cash in a remote mountain village for s...
Debut reality show for Kep1er, a girl group formed by the Mnet survival show, 'Girls Planet 999'.
A new show that’s searching for the next teen K-pop star, and it invites the contestants’ parents to...
In this six-part limited series, the fans get a VIP front-row seat and backstage access to ’90s nost...
Kim Wan-sun's "Dancing to Rhythm," Uhm Jung-hwa's "D.I.S.C.O," Lee Hyo-ri's "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang...
With high-quality stages at the XR studio, the webtoon world comes to life. Starting with 30 partici...
The Voice is a Russian singing competition television series broadcast on Channel One. Based on the ...
The Eurovision Song Contest is an international song competition, organised annually by the European...
A weekly showcase of the latest T-pop releases.
The Voice Generations is a global-first special event featuring superstar coaches, coming to Channel...
The Voice Kids is a Russian reality television singing competition broadcast on Channel One. Based o...