Uncle Yao, a toilet seat designer with a handsome appearance and frivolous style, lives with his dau...
Yurie is just an ordinary middle school girl in the 1980's - until overnight she finds out that she ...
The story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at S...
This series connects the story of the second movie, "Chihayafuru Part II", with the third movie, "Ch...
In the modern world, a lonely man dies and reincarnates in another world. Rescued as a baby from a t...
The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answeri...
Our MC finds out that his school requires him to join a club and during his reluctant search he stum...
Tanaka Koharu joins a school club whose main activity is to discuss the activities of school clubs, ...
Minato is a boy who stopped playing water polo due to a certain incident in the winter of his third ...
The story is about a gentle and easygoing girl who likes reading. One day, a piece of paper comes ou...
At first glance Yukishiro Nanako seems like a normal high school girl, but she has a notable eccentr...
Nishina, Maya, Shiro, and Aoi are four good friends in their second year of high school with good lo...
Kodaka Hasegawa has just transferred to St. Chronica's Academy and he's having a hard time making fr...
Building furniture and friendships have a lot in common. Intention, effort, and hard work are needed...
You Sato is a new high school student living in the dorms. While seeking cheap eats at the local mar...
Naru is a high school girl who is average in every way. She loves fairy tale heroines, though she’s ...
High school student Chiyo Sakura has a crush on schoolmate Umetarō Nozaki, but when she confesses he...
Yukari is a typical high-school student who listens to her parents and attends school everyday. As s...