"Guardian Angel" is a hilarious and satirical comedy about ghosts. The story takes place in an old house where a couple lived until the wife's infidelity is revealed and the husband decides to murder her lover. In the process, they accidentally kill the construction worker Ah Kit, whose ghost haunts the place. The couple sells the house to newlyweds Tang and Ma who face a series of strange occurrences. As they settle in, they realize that the ghost is friendly and helpful, even assisting with household chores. The couple becomes friends with the ghost, and she helps them with everything she can. Eventually, the kind-hearted ghost must be reincarnated, leaving the couple heartbroken. The film's hilarious antics suggest that humans and ghosts can coexist in harmony, while humans living together may have issues among themselves.
After a seance ghost of a young high-class call Maximiliano Ossa, who died in very strange circumsta...
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house ...
Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and the talking dog, Scooby-Doo, travel on the Mystery Machine van, in ...
When Michelle Hathaway relocates to New Orleans to open a bakery with her daughters Taylor and Frank...
These are the true stories of the innocent and the unimaginable. Based on true events, A Haunting dr...
A year after the disappearance of their son, Gabe and Eve Caleigh and their two daughters attempt to...
Samantha and Jay throw caution to the wind when they convert their recently inherited country estate...
The gripping story of three different families living in the same house in the 1960’s, 1980’s and pr...
Welcome to Bedlam Heights. Converted from an imposing former lunatic asylum, this apartment building...
A three part dramatization of the terrifying and bizarre real events that took place at an ordinary ...
Topper is an American fantasy sitcom based on the 1937 film of the same name. The series was broadca...
Compelling, surprising and downright spooky — celebrities share their real-life personal encounters ...
Casey and Jac are the creators of a new website called Haunted or Hoax. Together, they visit some of...
A satirical inversion of the ideal of the perfect American nuclear family, they are an eccentric wea...
A young woman mysteriously inherits the house across the street from a man unknown to her who died t...
New lovebirds Kate and Sean are about to jump into the hellscape that is the inner-city rental marke...
When Po Foon finds his father Po Luk dead while waiting for his grown children to come over for dinn...
Home, the heir of a wealthy and famous Thai family, lives a carefree life until his grandfather pass...
A cash-strapped young couple inherits a grand country house, only to find it is both falling apart a...