Blowin' Up is a comedic reality show on MTV. The show stars Jamie Kennedy, an actor who follows his dream of becoming a successful rapper. The show was written by Kennedy after the success of the movie Malibu's Most Wanted, which he starred in. Along for the ride is his close friend Stu Stone, who keeps Jamie in check to stick to their rap career.
Adventures in HollyHood is a reality TV show based around the rap group Three 6 Mafia and its member...
Two friends from a small village chase their dream of becoming world famous gangsta rappers.
50 Cent: The Money and the Power is a canceled reality show that initially premiered November 6, 200...
DMX: Soul of a Man was a reality television series that recorded the daily life of African American ...
A legendary rapper manages the budding career of her niece in order to save her own while also manag...
Ask the participants, “What kind of person is she or he?” Depending on what kind of relationship you...
The series focuses on PaRappa, a cute and happy dog who enjoys music and dancing and often spends ti...
Unpretty Rapstar is a 2015 South Korean music competition program focusing on female rappers.
MTV Spit is a music program aired on MTV Italy and hosted by the italian rapper Marracash. This show...
Ever since he can remember, Toni has wanted nothing more than to leave his hometown of Kacken and be...
Celebrity Rap Superstar is an American reality show which premiered on MTV on August 30, 2007. The s...
A suburban neurotic man in his late 20s has convinced himself that he’s destined to be one of the be...
From newcomers to rappers already loved by many fans, all gather to compete against each other in or...
Hip Hop Squares is an American television game show hosted by New York radio personality Peter Rosen...
A group of finnish teenagers try to climb up ranks and finally get a label in the underground rappin...
Set in Atlanta, this reality docudrama stars Tameka "Tiny" Cottle and Antonia "Toya" Carter, best fr...
Korea’s first high school rap competition program! Only high school students are allowed to particip...
T.I.'s Road To Redemption is an American reality television show that premiered on February 10, 2009...
Rap superstar Cardi B is back with more adventures than ever! Always up for a challenge, Cardi is go...
Down deep in the Mississippi Delta, Trap music meets film noir in this kaleidoscopic story of a litt...