The series follows Koichi Numakura, a young man seeking revenge against the yakuza, who took his mother from him. Inspired by the protagonist of Fist of the North Star, he dedicates himself to learning the fictional martial art of Hokuto Shinken. Along the way he learns that, while he can't actually kill people, he does have all the qualifications to become a top-tier masseur.
Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual pr...
Japanese-American track-and-field star Mizuki has gotten herself to transfer to a high school in Jap...
Achi is an ordinary employee at a stationary company. He's still single, still a virgin. When he tur...
Beginner blader Robin Kazami joins up with influencer Multi Nana-iro and former champion Jaxon Cross...
Minami is a 27-year-old female office worker in an advertisement agency. Though she has a boyfriend,...
With her husband rarely home because of work, Saitou Masako raises her kindergarten son by herself. ...
Labor Standards Inspectors... are you aware of their existence? For the sake of the 52 million activ...
Kashiwazaki Yu has dated Naoki for the past 7 years and they have lived together for the past 5 year...
Yuugo Hachiken enrolled in Ooezo Agricultural High School for the reason that he could live in a dor...
Year 198 of the Solar Era in Tokyo, special fire brigades are fighting against a phenomenon called s...
Male student Souta Tsukishima begins working at his family's public bathhouse as a back washer. Whil...
Shouta is sent back in time to his elementary school days via a mysterious school pool. He sees Kono...
Tightly clutching his Gibson guitar, Mafuyu Satou steps out of his dark apartment to begin another d...
In the year 2063, eight high school students and a kid are flown out to Planet Camp, tasked with sur...
The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answeri...
Our MC finds out that his school requires him to join a club and during his reluctant search he stum...
"Newlyweds" Keiichi and Akira Hirose have moved to a new city. Keiichi, who works as an author, and ...
Gabimaru reigns as the strongest and most ruthless assassin in his village. But now finds himself on...
Born in a family of delinquents, Nanba Tsuyoshi is expected to succeed as the strongest delinquent i...
The skilled hunter Kikuru Madan has decided to retire out of fear of wasting his youth. One day, a g...