The story revolves around one of the best archer of the Mahabharata, Karna and narrates the entire story of Mahabharata from Karna and Pandavas' birth to the eventual crowning of Karna in the Swarga. The show covers the life journey of Karna on his way to becoming a great warrior.
France, 1914. The destinies of four women intersect : Marguerite, a mysterious Parisian prostitute, ...
An Argentinean intelligence agent infiltrates the Jewish community to gather information that is the...
It revolves around the two grandsons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Hassan and Hussein, and their ...
On Laem Sing Beach in the Buddhist era 2540 (1997), on a day when the grey sky portended a coming st...
The history of Russia of the 18th century through the life and work of the outstanding scientist and...
During the later years of the Kangxi Emperor's rule, his many sons were vying for the throne. The fo...
The Conqueror's Story is a Hong Kong television series based on the events in the Chu–Han Contention...
Twilight of a Nation is a Hong Kong television series based on the events of the Taiping Rebellion a...
In 1914, on the eve of war, a fugitive prince and a girl in disguise meet aboard a bioengineered air...
Suicide Cults is a gripping exploration into the lives of former cult members. David Koresh devotee...
A period drama depicting the birth of the Korean entertainment industry, and its growth from the Kor...