The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a public one in order to emulate the delinquents in his manga books. On his first day, he's challenged by the school's most notorious delinquent, Iguchi Tatsuya, and ends up beaten and caught by a detective. He finally gains recognition by winning a one-on-one fight against a student from another school, and joins the ranks of delinquents, leading a life of fighting against other schools.
In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic ...
The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School,...
Media student Bu Xiao Gu has a dream: she is determined to become an outstanding producer. Her idol ...
Six young people from New York City, on their own and struggling to survive in the real world, find ...
Common As Muck is a gritty BBC comedy drama serial focusing on the lives of a crew of bin men and th...
The drama follows the lives of seven boys navigating their school years and personal growth, each gr...
Sixteen-year-old Elias is one of the best players on one of Norway's best youth football teams. With...
In November 1937, Shanghai fell into the hands of the Japanese army led by Wei Da Hong and Lin Qiu Y...
Kuraishi Ena is a high school girl in Minato Ward. She is a gifted girl who was born with the abilit...
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600...
The series focuses on Ayukawa Noriko, the teacher of a class of first-graders. One day, a boy named ...
A prankster prince who wants to experience life as an ordinary teen leaves his kingdom to live incog...
Xiao Wen and Su Xi took an instant dislike to each other, but soon discovered they’re actually simil...
Inside the Beijing hutongs where professionals who engage in art conservation and restoration live i...
Traffic policeman Shen Hong Fei watched helplessly as his master was attacked by gangsters and serio...
Alana, a girl from the year 3000, is kidnapped by Silverthorn, a criminal from the year 2500, and br...
In 2021, Lin Beixing, approaching 30, works at a zoo in an animal suit and eagerly anticipates marry...
Jiao Jia Ren was saved by pediatrician Gu Li Feng as a child and followed in his footsteps as a youn...