Da Ali G Show is a British satirical television series created by and starring English comedian Sach...
Satirical television program aired from November 4 to December 18, 2002. The transmission was intend...
The 1/2 Hour News Hour was an American television news satire show that aired on the Fox News Channe...
Comedians Jimmy Carr, D.L. Hughley and Katherine Ryan tackle the world's woes with help from a rotat...
This monthly half-hour series is the work of Akron producer Blue Green, who says, “The goal of the s...
There's a new Norm in sports. Funnyman Norm Macdonald returns to the desk to give you an update on t...
Adam Hills and co-hosts Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker provide some offbeat commentary on the sign...
For over 60 years, Silvio Santos, the icon of Brazilian TV and culture, has entertained his auditori...
Deion Sanders and Rocsi Diaz discuss the latest in news, culture, entertainment, and sports as well ...
Satirical and surreal news show. Nish Kumar and a cast of hilarious correspondents keep you up to da...
Tim and Eric Nite Live! was an American television series, which premiered November 8, 2007 on Super...
El Show de Larry is the talk show where Jely and Chinopinto play, chat, and satirize everything.