The series revolves around real facts, represented by the 101 Battalion's valor in confronting the takfiri and terrorist organizations in North Sinai. The story begins on January 28, 2018, when the takfiris attacked an important military site in the city of Arish in North Sinai.
The events of the series revolve around a true story, about Shaima. She is a girl who comes from a s...
The relationship between the married couple Marwan and Laila deteriorates and reaches a dead end des...
Sodfa carries a dangerous secret that she seeks to hide from everyone, but her relationship with Mah...
Its events take place in the Nubia and Qomola regions in Upper Egypt and deals with women's rights, ...
Hayat is forced to leave her son, Jude, who is eight years old and is diagnosed with autism, in the ...
Shihab paddles his own canoe when he decides to overcome the loss of his sole source of livelihood a...
Married to Rasheed with whom she runs a school, Hela thinks she has the perfect husband. Only becaus...
It seems that Aida will never live a happy life. After her brother is killed, her life turns into he...
After his wife suffers a traumatic accident, an anesthesiologist resorts to a surrogate mother to ca...
The baker Qissa(Rawan Mahdi) and a young man talented in playing football Zad(Alexander Uloom) live ...
The events of the series revolve around a dramatic context about phobia, by highlighting a number of...
The neighborhood who suffers from Parkinson's disease, Fares Yacoub, struggles to hide his first cri...
Raouf discovers that he is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life with his wife Shireen, so he decid...
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of the market's people, the most important...
Rivalries over power and wealth escalate between two families in the hamlet of Abdul Jabbar, and con...
The life of a father-to-be is turned upside down when news of his wife’s pregnancy inadvertently set...