Welcome to the House is a TVB modern sitcom series broadcast from April 2006 to March 2007. The ser...
Sonoko Nanakura is a straight A student, daughter of a doctor. She meets Wataru Okochi, a tall orpha...
What's your brother like? To Miao, her brother Fen is someone who would tease her and make her explo...
Big Ear Tutu (Chinese: 大耳朵图图) is a Chinese cartoon television series. Its main character is Hu Tutu,...
Jiang Hao Yi, a normal, high school student who is extremely scared of getting into trouble suddenly...
Beautiful Cooking is a Hong Kong variety show broadcast on TVB. The show began broadcasting on May 2...
The Huang family has served in the police force for generations. The patriarch, Huang Jiajing, is mo...
Set towards the end of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Sumoer is a Khorchin Mongo...
Honda is a skeleton, but more importantly, he is a bookseller. And he'll tell you from firsthand exp...
Ton and Tawan love each other deeply but their love is tested by Ton’s new secretary who seems to be...
It's a story about an air hostess that comes to a crossroad, will she choose her Love or her dreams?
The anime will take place in Fukuoka, and will follow the love lives of four female protagonists as ...