In the bustling city of Osaka, a captivating gourmet drama unfolds, revolving around the enigmatic Ban Akira, a taxi driver with a unique gift for ferrying distressed passengers with intricate dilemmas to exquisite dining establishments.
Orphaned Jang-geum becomes the first female physician in the Joseon Dynasty and her determination is...
Murasaki Wakako, who is 26 years old, loves going out alone to enjoy eating and drinking, especially...
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for busine...
Togoku Kyosui runs a traditional Japanese style cafe called Rokuhodo. He has a tender voice and hard...
An ordinary taxi driver becomes entangled with a customer that turns out to be a serial killer.
Wang Xiao Xia lived a difficult life. Growing up in the orphanage with her brother taught her resili...
The play tells the story of the young girl Su Xiao Ying, who has a super-taste, explores her own foo...
Mare is an elementary school student. She lives with her family in the city, but, right before her f...
Eun-chan is often mistaken to be a boy due to her appearance. So when she gets hired at a coffee sho...
A man killed himself. Due to his death, three of his former classmates from art school, reunite for ...
Amasawa Yoichiro was abandoned by his parents and has been wandering the world alone. Some trouble l...
Gao Xing is a young lady often mistaken for a boy. Her dad left her a coffee diary after he passed t...
When you feel low, you must go to the meat and cook it all ... You can eat it ... when you want to!...
Yoo Yang faces daily challenges working in customer service and tries to make it through each day wi...
Sachiko Sasaki works as a literary magazine editor. She is well respected by her colleagues due to h...
This is a drama about Bong Gil who is forty, single and dying to move to Seoul and away from his 90-...
Do Eun Soo is a single woman in her 30s who lives a mundane life as an office worker, trying to get ...
Yamada Fumiko, nicknamed Bun, is a poor university student who lives alone in Kita Senju, Tokyo with...