Polish drama series which follows the tragicomic adventures of a 40-year-old urban legend in Warsaw. He is a deeply complex character, an irresponsible party animal, a serial lothario and everyone’s friend at the same time. Behind the veneer he is tormented and self-loathing, trapped by his parents and shackled by the culture and the times that shaped him.
The Gertrude Berg Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS from October 4, 1961 to April 5, 1962...
The life of the great Latin American seducer, Porfirio Rubirosa, will be full of women, entanglement...
Well-educated and upper middle class, Maude Findlay is the archetypal feminist of her generation. Sh...
Two lovers are reunited after decades apart following a mutual misunderstanding.
Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who is secretly hiding her separation from ...
Pearl is an American television sitcom which aired on CBS from September 16, 1996 until June 25, 199...
Mr. Sloane's titular character is a buttoned-down 1960's man in crisis. Between his failed attempts ...
The Invisibles is a British 2008 comedy drama series created and written by William Ivory for the BB...
Mrs. G. Goes To College is an American situation comedy which aired on CBS from October 4, 1961 to A...
The Boys Are Back is an American sitcom that was aired on CBS from September 1994 to January 1995. I...
The intoxicating charm of a flirtatious art school classmate pulls a reluctant love cynic into a fri...
Miss Météo is a Canadian Quebec French-language television series that airs on Séries+. It is a 30 m...
Rendezvous is the name of a secret bar located somewhere in Thonglor. It's the gathering place of Th...
After his wife leaves him for a starving artist, high-flying insurance broker Richard Scribe has an ...
Campus Ladies is an American sitcom that premiered on Oxygen on January 8, 2006. It stars Christen S...
The Colbys is an American prime time soap opera, which originally aired on ABC from November 20, 198...