Web Soup is a weekly series that aired in the U.S. on G4. The show, hosted by Chris Hardwick, comments on the latest in viral videos. It has similar fashion to sister network E!'s series The Soup and is produced by the same crew as that show. The program held a TV-14 rating due to strong language, violent situations, and some suggestive scenes. During the first two seasons, this show was taped in front of a green screen like The Soup. In the third season, the program taped on the set usually utilized by E! News with added studio audience seating. Chris Hardwick confirmed via a comment on his website that season three was the last and the show would not continue. However, repackaged archived episodes returned to G4's schedule.
Cedric the Entertainer hosts a look at viral home video moments created while social distancing and ...
Rob Dyrdek takes the funniest amateur internet videos and builds them into an episode of edgy, funny...
Delve into the oddball family life of Miranda Sings, an incredibly confident, totally untalented sta...
An in-depth look at the people who were arrested for allegedly committing some of the weirdest, wild...
High fashion meets high drama in this behind-the-curtain look at an iconic French haute couture hous...
A group of online justice seekers track down a guy who posted a video of him killing kittens.
RightThisMinute is a viral videos show. Every day, a team of e-journalists scour the internet to fin...
Host James Davis and his friends Alyson Hannigan, Ross Mathews and Dulcé Sloan give their unique and...
Gripping clips of kidnappings, break-ins, car chases, violent road rage incidents and other crimes r...
The elevator is therapy for a man trying to get to the top floor of an enormous skyscraper in the co...
#5RÈGLES is anything but serious instructions for becoming a better human being and living an optima...
She's the most unlikely candidate to ever stumble into the role of a reporter, and she’s keeping eve...
All sketches from 25 years of television by and with Bernhard Victor Christoph Carl von Bülow. In ad...
In Jann, Jann Arden plays a fictionalized, self-deprecating version of herself: a singer songwriter ...
Amanda, who likes running, joins her schoolmate Alia to create a Running Girls account. He plans to ...