The story follows the lives of two young people, Inuzuka Himari, who has yet to find her first love, and Natsume Yuu, a flower-loving boy, who remained best friends in their second year of high school, together in the gardening club. Sometimes Hiyori will tease him by say things like, "If Yu can't get married, I'll have to take the blame. It's hard when your brother calls him 'brother-in-law!" But when Yuu is reunited with his first crush from the past, the wheels of their relationship suddenly started to turn! Will Himari's newfound feelings help her break free from her "ideal friend" status?
Hoping to make a comeback after a bad scandal, an actress agrees to research a new role by taking a ...
One day, Park Choi Go, decides to quit his job at a big company and open up his own chicken restaura...
The cold CEO of a construction company Qi Xun (Gao Han Yu) can teleport as long as he sees a picture...
In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic ...
This is the story of Xia Yu Meng, a young cartoonist, and her creation Shen Ming Xi, the villain in ...
Family Santa Claus lives along with the elves and wights in a forest in Finland. They experience a l...
Strange phenomena is causing creatures to awaken in ancient ruins all over the world. It's up the 5 ...
Unceremoniously dumped by her influencer boyfriend, a young and dedicated talent handler vows to mov...
A chance meeting after a cancelled flight leads to an unlikely night of drunken airport-hotel sex be...
Kamen Rider Fourze × Crayon Shin-chan is the collective title of the special crossover episodes of K...
The Fraggles are a fun-loving community of creatures who live in a subterranean fantasy land where t...
Bobby's a bartender and the only son of gregarious, salt-of-the-earth Irish Catholic parents from Bo...
New Century Zero takes place a long time after the events of Zoids: Chaotic Century. Zoids are no lo...
Teachers Only is an NBC television sitcom centered around the faculty of a high school; in the first...
It is the time of wars. In the chaotic Empire, a group of seven heroes of the stars, the Hokushin-Te...
Magician's Academy revolves around Takuto Hasegawa, who attends a magic academy that is not marked o...
Honda Goro the son of a famous baseball player loves nothing more than baseball itself. His biggest ...
In the future, Japan is a wasteland. In the Great Kanto Desert, scattered humans eke out a living in...