The black comedy starts with the death of Avishai Sar-Shalom, a renowned economist and leading Nobel...
The plot follows detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wasserman working together to find a serial kille...
In the fictional town of Antares, a general strike prevents seven corpses from being buried in the l...
Yumi, a writer of a science magazine, witnesses a mysterious death of a high school girl who receive...
The modern theater is preparing for the premiere of the long-awaited play that was a huge success in...
Quinta Brunson steps into the metaphorical ring with her issues, taking every roadblock in her life ...
A forensic doctor named Hamdi Abdel Rahim and his wife are expecting twins after a long marriage. Th...
When a murder brings them together, Hussein and Ali, who have just discovered that they are brothers...
A stripper's fate takes a turn when she crosses paths with the wealthy, dysfunctional family behind ...
Lawyer Pat's first encounter with Wasu, an enthusiastic politician of a newer generation, doesn't go...
Ella and Maura, two friends working at the Indonesian Embassy in Baku, share the dream of finding th...
A fan-made sequel web series, focusing on the final year of high school for the characters from Ed, ...
EVIGT is our new series about Nanna and her group of friends, who together try to enjoy the summer w...
Sasha Gordeeva, an excellent student, dreamed of a career as a landscape designer, but dropped out o...
Sucharita Lahiri, a middle-aged homemaker, becomes famous as Chemistry Mashi by imparting free chemi...
Rono and Mitul's forbidden romance challenges tradition in a riveting tale of courage and passion!