This cartoon series, characterized by extremely limited animation, features five of the most popular super-powered heroes from Marvel Comics: the Incredible Hulk, the Mighty Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and the Sub-Mariner.
The super-elastic Mr. Fantastic, the force field-wielding Invisible Girl, the orange rock-covered Th...
An alien species attempts to take over earth, but the X-Men are ready for anything.
Fred and Barney Meet The Thing is a 60-minute Saturday morning animated package show produced by Han...
The adventures of the cosmic wanderer as he seeks his lost home after rebelling from his master.
Mutant X is a science fiction television series that debuted on October 6, 2001. The show was create...
The bite of a radioactive spider transforms a teen into a superhero.
The further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. With an...
Teenagers Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Spike fight for a world that fears...
Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and the Thing battle some of their greatest ...
Wolverine is a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, three retracti...
Legendary half-vampire, half-human vampire hunter Blade is tracking Deacon Frost, a very powerful an...
As Iron Man, teenage child prodigy Tony Stark uses his technological inventions to fight various sim...
While being trained by S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man battles evil with a new team of teen colleagues.
When the planet is threatened by Super Villains, time traveling conquerors, alien invaders, mythical...
The first animated series based on Marvel's comic book series Fantastic Four.
Bitten by an irradiated spider, teenager Peter Parker gains arachnid-like powers that make him both ...
Follow the exploits of motorcycle racer turned super hero Takuya Yamashiro, as he slings and swings,...
Blade is a half-man, half-vampire who employs his extraordinary powers in a crusade to save mankind ...
When research scientist Bruce Banner is blasted with a gamma ray bomb during an experiment gone wron...
Inspired by the acclaimed graphic novel from Robert Rodi and Esad Ribic, Marvel Knights Animation's ...