The next generation crime series revealing the ground-breaking police techniques used to solve murde...
A non-fiction investigative series of murder cases told through the personal experience of retired d...
Exploring the unbelievable true stories of suspicious deaths by retracing the investigation from sta...
From Executive Producer Dick Wolf, this true crime investigative series follows veteran prosecutor K...
In American Detective, Kenda trades in his own case files to bring viewers astounding investigations...
Documentary following the officers of Britain's biggest and busiest police service as they deal with...
The best way to get away with murder is to have someone else do it for you, which is why the most cu...
Explore compelling cases that have gone cold for years, chronicling the journeys of the detectives w...
Take a penetrating look at the psychological forces that drive a person to commit homicide. Whether ...
When a killer wants you dead, there's one place to search: home sweet home. With the twist of a lock...
Across the country, high school football unites small-town communities. But when a heinous murder sh...
It's an iconic line in any crime story: when a suspect is arrested and gets to make one call. In rea...
Detectives and prosecutors revisit their most challenging homicide cases in this chilling true-crime...
A team of specialist detectives re-look at some of New Zealand’s most chilling unsolved murders.
Witness the unboxing of real case evidence while hearing from the actual investigators, prosecutors,...
Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the b...
Two investigators re-examine controversial murder cases to help the desperate families of those conv...
While detectives search for clues among the living, veteran Dauphin County, PA, coroner Graham Hetri...
Hosted by Bill Kurtis, American Justice looks at groundbreaking criminal cases, presenting viewers w...
Liverpool, 2022 - Ashley Dale and nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel are shot dead at home, victims o...