Kenny the Shark is an animated television series produced by Discovery Kids. The show premiered on NBC's Discovery Kids on NBC from November 1, 2003 and ended February 18, 2006 with two seasons and 26 episodes having been shown. The series continued to run on Discovery Kids until the network changed into The Hub on October 10, 2010. Discovery Kids closed with a 4 hour marathon of Kenny the Shark episodes. Despite the closure, it still aired on The Hub until March 25, 2012. It is about an anthropomorphic tiger shark named Kenny that decides to move out of the ocean. He was the protagonist and main character in the series. This was not Kenny's first appearance, however. In the late-1990s, a series of shorts ran between regular programming. Kenny was not seen, as the camera was from his point of view. A contest was held to guess what kind of shark Kenny was with the result being a tiger shark.
Follow Baby Shark Brooklyn and his best friend William as they journey on fun-filled comedic adventu...
The story follows a little shark character, Kozame-chan's adventures in Yauo town, which smells "nos...
On a desert island lives a starving hyena with one obsession: devour that delicious mermaid from the...
Gene-slammed by an evil genius, four young brothers fight for honor and goodness. They are street sm...
10 year old Max and his best friend Sharkdog - half shark, half dog, all appetite. Blissfully unawar...
Fun adventures await in the forest named Porong Porong Village where Pororo and friends live. New fr...
An international team of experts hunts for clues as they investigate why sharks bite humans. They un...
Over two programmes, Britain’s Whales and Britain’s Sharks, Ben Fogle and Ellie Harrison go in searc...
A major wildlife series on the sharks of the world with over thirty species filmed, showing how they...
Terror-filled deep sea saga using underwater photography, gripping news archives & paralyzing testim...
Experts use new dive technology to get closer to sharks than ever before.
My first trip to Africa is a 5 week adventure through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. Ca...
A team of world-class anglers and scientists take on one of the most challenging fish imaginable: th...
The Discovery Channel's Shark Week, first broadcast on July 17, 1987, is a weeklong series of featur...
Ireland’s Deep Atlantic sees underwater cameraman Ken O’Sullivan embark on a series of voyages out i...
Dave Salmoni meets the true survivors of the natural world, when he journeys to some of the globes m...
William Shatner narrated this filmed documentary series focusing on the animals and wildlife that ma...
The employment office is trying to help adults to get into the employment world by attending Evening...