An unexpected event comes to disturb the seemingly calm life of a strong society. The tracks of a sc...
A divorced Greek mother of two children meets a divorced Turkish father of two children. They soon f...
When a rich socialite loses everything and must move to the neighborhood of a poor fisherman, their ...
Four young children have grown up together in an orphanage in Nicosia. Two boys and two girls. These...
A woman finds the strength to escape her past for a new beginning. Two brothers reveil the gap that ...
A corpse symbolically placed on the border line of the bridge that connects Greece with Turkey, forc...
The series follows the lives and loves of three 30-something professionals in modern day Athens. Ell...
From an early age, Nia is mortified by her old-fashioned Greek family's patriotic, over-the-top ways...
Based on the best-selling English novel The Island by Victoria Hislop, the series takes place on the...
Odisseas lives in athens away from his father who lives in Serres.