The Century: America's Time is a 15-part series of documentaries produced by the American Broadcasting Company on the 20th century and the rise of the United States as a superpower. The documentary originally aired on The History Channel in 1999. Another earlier series, simply called "The Century" also produced by ABC, appeared on the ABC network in 1999, and also later appeared on the History Channel. It consists of six two-hour shows with each chronicling two different events based around a common theme.
A detailed, and unbiased, look at the 43 men who have been the presidents of the United States of Am...
An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon. This documentary pulls b...
Caroline Randall Williams, an award-winning writer, cookbook author and restaurateur, travels the Un...
Relentless sheriffs, trigger-happy gunslingers, steadfast saloon owners and cocky cowboys are all fo...
Documentary series exploring the people, technology and battles behind the war between the states.
Aladdin's Genie tells the stories of great historical figures who were prone to defy common thinking...
Inspired in part by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s “Americans and the Holocaust” exhi...
Over the course of 50 episodes, we're going to learn about Black American History. Clint Smith will ...
From the Executive Producer Robert Redford, THE AMERICAN WEST tells the story of the aftermath of th...
Out of the ashes of World War I, a new generation of titan rises…Pierre Du Pont, Walter Chrysler, J....
Since its birth in 1865, in the wake of the American Civil War, the history of the Ku Klux Klan has ...
The first permanent European settlement in the United States was founded two generations before the ...
"The Montice Harmon Show" appears to be an endeavor that seeks to explore the complex issues of toda...
Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who run...
The epic story of post-Civil War America, focusing on Cullen Bohannon, a Confederate soldier who set...
In this 26-part series, prominent historians present America’s story as something that must be prese...
In a 1950s orphanage, a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely jo...
Follow the Dutton family as they embark on a journey west through the Great Plains toward the last b...
The triumphs and tragedies of the most popular political family in American history.