This half-hour sitcom anthology series that aired on PBS from 1987 to 1989 is about people strugglin...
Comedy Playhouse is a long-running British anthology series of one-off unrelated sitcoms that aired ...
An anthology of various tales with robots being the one common element among them. It consists of ni...
Robson Arms follows the lives of the tenants in a once-grand low-rise in Vancouver's eclectic West E...
The Comic Strip is a group of British comedians, who came to prominence in the 1980s. They are known...
Twisted Tales is a dark and stylish comedy drama series. With intense scripts written by a mix of es...
George Burns Comedy Week is a comedy anthology television series broadcast in the United States by C...
A truly amazing, fantastical, science fiction, funny and odd, and sometimes scary, sad and endearing...
Ford Star Jubilee is an American anthology series that aired once a month on Saturday nights on CBS ...
Seven of One was a British comedy series that aired on BBC2 in 1973. Starring Ronnie Barker, 7 of On...
The Dick Powell Show is an American anthology series that ran on NBC from 1961- 1963, primarily spon...
A five-episode anthology that serves as a continuation of the stories of Pick and Rome (Secret Love:...
Startime is an anthology show of drama, comedy, and variety, and was one of the first American telev...
A British television comedy series, written by Michael Palin and Terry Jones of Monty Python fame. F...
A comedy that started in 1991 as a pilot, Murder Most Horrid stars Dawn French as various characters...
Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956, sponsored...
An anthology of darkly comic twisted tales, each one taking place behind a door marked 'number 9'.
An anthology series that tells astonishing and thought-provoking stories of a reality just beyond th...