This Chinese period drama series follows the fortunes of a prominent merchant family engaged in Trad...
A reassessment of the role Albert Speer played in the Third Reich. Speer, who was ultimately convict...
The story of World War II told through the intertwining fates of ordinary people from all sides of t...
It all starts in 1985. In a small town there are three boys who dream of a career as a naval officer...
The story of the Najla series took place in 1979, and a girl promised a boy in love in that turbulen...
Based on the Valentin Pikul's novel "Bayazet".
A student of the journalism faculty, Danil, goes as a volunteer to the zone of his SMO (Special Mili...
Jingbirok, the name of a book written by real-life Joseon historian and scholar Ryu Seong Ryong (Kim...