Drive is an American action drama television series set against the backdrop of an illegal cross-country automobile road race, focusing on the willing and unwilling competitors and, as the plot develops, the unseen puppet masters who sponsor the race. Minear has described the show's thematic tone by saying "a secret, illegal, underground road race can be anything from Cannonball Run to The Game to North by Northwest to Magnolia-on-wheels. Ours is all those things."
Based on the 1971 novel by Arthur Hailey, Wheels is about the automobile industry and the day-to-day...
The Highwaymen fight crime in the near future.
Viper is an action-adventure TV series about a special task force set up by the federal government t...
Michael Long, an undercover police officer, is shot while investigating a case and left for dead by ...
On the basis of video images from the National Police, motorists, motorcyclists, truck drivers and c...
Dan Darret and his two sisters, Tess and Daisy, are left to run the The Pole Position Stunt Show aft...
A 14,000 kilometer journey to re-enact one of the world’s greatest overland adventures – the most da...
Ray is an enigmatic adventurer with no traceable past who travels from place to place fighting crime...
Mad Mike Whiddett is addicted to building cars and his latest passion is converting a Lamborghini Hu...
Our hero suddenly rises from a coma. He has no idea who or where he is. All he has are the keys to h...
Team Knight Rider is a syndicated television series that was adapted from the Knight Rider franchise...
Capeta is a Japanese sports manga and anime about kart racing by Masahito Soda. The manga won the Ko...
The show documents the efforts of Chuck Palumbo (a former WWE wrestler and mechanic) and his partner...
During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and ...
Follow Idris as he pushes himself to the max to master some of the toughest speed disciplines in the...
Brock is a dramatisation that follows the life of Australian motor racing legend, Peter Brock. From ...
Set in a near-dystopian future, a former cop is forced to take part in a death race where the cars r...
Six people wake up in a prison in South Korea. They don't know where they are or how they got there....
Haruka Asahina is a high school teen racing in Formula 4. He crosses paths with a washed-up photogra...
Japan adopts self-driving electric automobiles and renders most gas engines obsolete by 202X. The fa...