The anime centers around a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wordplay on Coca-Cola). Kouta strives to be the world's best Bottle King at the Bottle Battles in the virtual Drink World. He comes across his Bottleman partner Colamaru and then wages battles with various rivals.
The anime will focus on the everyday lives of three different streamer cats: Nya, who has a small ch...
Chen Jun, an aimless wannabe otaku, suddenly became the Emperor of a multiverse-spanning kingdom. Th...
As a member of a malevolent organization, the General is tasked with invading Earth and wiping out h...
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the ...
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises...
Follow the adventures and misadventures of Penny, a 14-year-old African American girl who's doing he...
KaBlam! is a sketch comedy television series that ran from 1996 to 2000. It features a collection of...
Ponyland is full of excitement, if you know where to find it! Join the 7 Pony Friends—Starlight, Swe...
Brought together by the mysterious Dr. Tarsan, four powerful psychic warriors Mia Alice, Lamba Nom, ...
High-strung Chiga finds himself questioning the results when his judo team partner, Kokusai, is elec...
The story follows Rena Yukuhasahi, a reserved office lady and Ryouhei Hachiya, a businessman and fel...
Uncle Yao, a toilet seat designer with a handsome appearance and frivolous style, lives with his dau...
Zhong Li Xue, from the Zhongli Medical Center, was influenced by her father from a young age to hold...
As a loyal disciple, Ye Chen dedicated himself to guard the spiritual medicine field for his sect. B...
Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the ...
Announced at the the "Gintama Ato no Matsuri 2023" event: an anime adaptation of a light novel spin-...
Ryza is an ordinary girl. Tired of boring village life, she escapes the village to gather with her g...
Lu Fenfen, an ordinary girl from a humble background, defies the odds to carve out a successful care...