This animated comedy series is set in the Middle Ages and follows the title character, Dave, in his comedic adventures with his family (his sisters, Candy and Fang) as they protect themselves and their family from a world of oddball foes. Dave himself combines strength with an appreciation of the finer things in life, including origami, bird watching, and even gourmet cooking.
Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his roman...
I Am Not An Animal is an animated comedy series about the only six talking animals in the world, who...
The story about a blue-collar Boston bar run by former sports star Sam Malone and the quirky and won...
The adorable Best Popple Pals love helping their friends and neighbors, but every time they do it se...
Jerri Blank is a former prostitute and junkie whore who returns to high school as a 46-year-old fres...
Sitcom following a successful African-American couple, George and Louise “Weezyö Jefferson as they “...
Portuguese Problems is a highly anticipated six-episode sketch comedy series that is scheduled to ai...
The adventures of 13-year-old, self-centered Anne Boonchuy who is magically transported to the ficti...
A sketch comedy presenting the daily life of four couples and two roommates of different ages and ba...
When Robert “Granddad” Freeman becomes legal guardian to his two grandsons, he moves from the tough ...
The focus is on the life and everyday life of the “half triplets”: On the one hand, there is Paul, a...
The series begins with the life of Mamed (Nofal Shahlaroglu), who cannot pay his debts and is always...
Seven friends who met in their youth at an English course meet again 25 years later; Lara, Taís, Hel...
The series is set in a universe inhabited solely by anthropomorphic animals of many species and focu...
The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space...
American Dragon is a coming of age comedy-action series about Jake Long, a 13-year-old Asian-America...
Cult Scottish comedy about the lives of two OAP's (Old Age Pensioners) Jack and Victor and their vie...
The whacky adventures of Ned Bigby and his best pals Moze and Cookie at James K. Polk Middle School,...
Nadia keeps dying and reliving her 36th birthday party. She's trapped in a surreal time loop -- and ...
Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, only to find out her seven evil exes sta...