Satirical television program aired from November 4 to December 18, 2002. The transmission was intended to shed light on a case (of course fantasy) of a missing person, Mario Scafroglia. The hypothesis was that the man had voluntarily lost track of himself, which offered in each episode new food for thought to deepen in a satirical way themes of current affairs, politics and costume, in an attempt to understand the reasons that had driven Scafroglia to flee.
Every Sunday, Hasan Minhaj brings an incisive and nuanced perspective to global news, politics and c...
Every sunday, the most relevant figures of the political and national contingency.
Romesh Ranganathan, joined by celebrity guests and the Ranganation, his very own focus group of 25 m...
The Wright Stuff is a British television chat show, hosted by Matthew Wright, and airing on Channel ...
Host Jayar Jackson reacts to a must-watch list of videos of the day, which will cover news, politics...
Comedians Jimmy Carr, D.L. Hughley and Katherine Ryan tackle the world's woes with help from a rotat...
Da Ali G Show is a British satirical television series created by and starring English comedian Sach...
Video interviews from The Howard Stern Show on SiriusXM
The 1/2 Hour News Hour was an American television news satire show that aired on the Fox News Channe...
Public figures answer tough questions, placing themselves on the center of the stage, surrounded by ...
This variety series from writer, comedian and internet sensation, Ziwe is a no-holds-barred mix of m...
Stay there - a show of intellectual satire, started by journalist Andrius Tapinas. This release has...