The plot of the series revolves around three youkai, Bem, Bera and Barro, who arrive at a large coastal city and come across an evil atmosphere, which was brought about by immoral behavior by humans and mischief caused by monsters and youkai. They therefore decide to stay in the city, fighting against other monsters and yōkai which attack humans, making a few friends in the way. Even though the three youkai are often abused by other human beings due to their appearance, they still strive in protecting the human populace of the city from other monsters, one day hoping to become human beings in return for their good actions.
Ginko, a Mushi master, travels from place to place researching the Mushi and helping people who are ...
Betrayed and on the brink of death, genius exorcist Haruyoshi Kuga still has an ace up his sleeve—a ...
It's been a long time since the great war between the Three God Generals and the Youkais, an ancient...
As a baby, Jiro was delivered to his foster parents by a massive oni, who said he would return for J...
Libra City is a sprawling metropolis whose districts split the rich and the poor. Hiding among the p...
The bloodlines of "Oni" and "Momotaro" have been passed down among certain humans for generations. L...
When the clock in the school building strikes midnight, the campus will become "a school for yokais"...
The age of the demons has begun. Dr Faust has foreseen this rise of evil. Unfortunately, he is near ...
Himari’s 16th birthday will be one she never forgets. Unexpectedly, she receives a will detailing he...
After a selfless act costs him his life, teen delinquent Yusuke Urameshi is chosen as a Spirit Detec...
In a mystical world of Japanese gods and spirits, a courageous girl strives to follow in her mysteri...
2nd TV anime of Shigeru Mizuki's "Gegege no Kitarou".
3rd TV anime of Shigeru Mizuki's "Gegege no Kitarou".
Ashiya has spent the first seven days of high school stuck in the infirmary because of a youkai atta...
Yuji Itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high ...
For Himuro, being a descendant of a snow spirit is tough at the workplace when your emotions can lea...
After elementary schooler Keita Amano (Nate Adams) frees a Yo-kai butler named Whisper, he is grante...
Kagome Higurashi is a modern day young girl who lives with her family by the old Higure shrine. Unbe...
Ushio thinks that his father's talk of an ancient ancestor impaling a demon on a temple altar stone ...